Self-learning environment for children in mathematics
kindergarten to grade 4

question: what’s harder – getting your kid to practice math, or teaching it?

if your answer is “why not both?!” we got your back.

As a homeschooling parent, you know that teaching your children math can be a huge challenge. It’s crucial to find a way to make math fun and engaging (yes! it’s possible!), so that your kids stay motivated and committed through the learning process. That’s where our unique software subscription comes in.

If you are:

Interested in helping in helping your kids improve their schoolwork independently, under your supervision, without requiring your active involvement

are looking for a method that will develop their ability to think, in the general sense, and about math in particular

want to make the experience of studying math at home more enjoyable for them, and spark their motivation to learn

Interested in helping in helping your kids improve their schoolwork independently, under your supervision, without requiring your active involvement

are looking for a method that will develop their ability to think, in the general sense, and about math in particular

want to make the experience of studying math at home more enjoyable for them, and spark their motivation to learn

we would recommend you begin using 12trix now 

About children who are weak in math, learning disabilities, and dyscalculia

  • It’s important to remember that not every child is born to be a math genius, but every child can learn math with ease.
  • Every child has the potential to be successful in math.
  • If you’re wondering why some children struggle with math, you can click here to learn more.
  • With our constructivist approach, your child can overcome their math challenges and succeed.
  • A week of trial is all you need to see the difference between our program and others.
  • Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself!

Our method

Our method is based on the considerable experience amassed by entrepreneur Amiram Aricha, an engineer and math tutor who figured out what prevents many students from getting better at their schoolwork. After having greatly helped children who had been seriously struggling with their schoolwork, including kids suffering from learning disabilities, Mr. Aricha realized how much not succeeding can affect their self-confidence, and today, he can point out the difficulties that each child experienced, and how they can be overcome. He consolidated the methods he had used over the years into one trailblazing and holistic method.

 The principles of his methods are:


 Fun learning that encourages kids to practice on a regular base, and boosts their motivation 

Learning from doing, not from explanations

Reviewing the exercises to help kids gain a better grasp of the material

The psychological aspect

Making kids feel capable and confident in themselves, which helps them succeed

Kids learn through 12trix through a game that includes elements of arithmetic, so that the student enjoys while learning and ends up learning the basic concepts on his or her own, while playing a game.  

Your child will learn the following,  step by step:

Fundamental principles

Adding and subtracting until 100, including breaking down numbers into tens and ones, multiplication and division, including the multiplication table, unknowns and word problems.


Part of a larger whole, addition and subtraction, mixed numbers, expanding and contracting, comparisons, multiplication and division.

Computation speed

Answering questions quickly, finding a common denominator, factoring out, breathing and smiling when dealing with math problems.

Don't leave before you try the free 10-day trial.

About the founder

Amiram Aricha has been a software engineer for the past 25 years. He has degrees in computer science and community theater from Tel Aviv University, and a certificate from the Institute for Democratic Education. Since high school, he has been tutoring children and teens in math and arithmetic. He taught math at a democratic school, at ORT school CPDs, and more. While teaching, he managed to dramatically boost the achievements of students that were severely struggling, and he even “cured” children diagnosed as suffering from dyscalculia.

We're here to help you help your kids!