The problem of using games in learning mathematics at a young age

What?! After all, this is what we are all looking for, how to teach math to children through games, where could there be a problem here?

Let me ask you two questions:

  1. Until what age do you believe you can continue with it? Can you teach how to solve the following exercise through the game 1/2 * 146 – 4 * 6. Will the game really help to learn it

      2) What message do you convey to a child if you wrap his studies with a game?

These are my answers to these questions

The main problem is that the child receives the subconscious message that learning math is a difficult and unpleasant thing and therefore learning should be wrapped in play. Like wrapping syrup or a bitter pill in candy for children. If this is the message, don’t be surprised if your child treats learning in this way.

Another problem is that it can be done at a certain age. It’s not for nothing that most of the ‘games’ for learning mathematics are aimed at children up to the second grade.

Note – there are puzzles, riddles, and fun challenges for children to solve. I’m not talking about them. Of course, the learning environment can and should be adapted to children.

Are you asking me if our site is a game? And I answer yes. And the game is to succeed in math.


Let’s be real, how many adults like math? So why do we think all kids should love math?

Children, like adults, do not like to spend hours on subjects they are considered bad at.

What do all children like, or at least almost all of them? Children like to succeed. Children like to feel like grown-ups, to overcome challenges, children like to learn.

So, instead of dozens of boring lessons, let’s direct the study of mathematics to be a process of exploration, dealing with challenges. It is true that there are also parts of memorization, but if they are part of a fascinating journey, the children will overcome them.

I wish your children a fascinating mathematical journey!


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